I didn't take photos during, but the process was a bit of a pain in the arse. My hair is different lengths at the back which made it hard to tuck the ends into the curls, and I also found it a pain in the arse keeping the rows uniform. Anyway, here is the result - bear in mind this is my first try!

Looks okay in these pictures, I think...

... but you can see here how the sides have gone a bit weird. I think my hair is either too long, was too wet or got crimped by the bobby pins I used to pin it. I have some of the flat alligator-style clips but not enough for my whole head. I'm going to buy some more and try it with my hair drier than this time and see if it works. Anyone have any idea?
My camera died at this point, but obviously I couldn't wear it to work down. I tucked it up and under to one side of my head, which looked pretty, and luckily at work the man came to change the flowers so I left work with orchids pinned in my do!
Shall I try victory rolls, girls? I've semi-successfully done it once, ha ha! Please let me know if you try pin-curls, they're surprisingly comfy to sleep in!
P.S Swap post tomorrow or the next day...Wendy sent me lots of goodies AGAIN :D
Gorgeous. I loooove doing pincurls! AHHHH!! I wanna do them now. Oooo.
ReplyDeleteDo victory rolls! I looove to do them. They're so amazing.
I think they look pretty! You can buy curling clips (http://img2.timeinc.net/instyle/images/2009/GalxMonth/05/051309_clips_400x400.jpg) which don't leave crimps like pins do.
ReplyDeleteLooks amazing for your first time!
ReplyDeleteThis looks awesome!! Seeing this kinda makes me miss my longer hair. I would've loved to have seen it up. I think you should do the victory curls, too.
ReplyDeleteI still cannot get the hang of pincurls. My hair is all different lengths too. I tried rollers once and accidentally pulled some too tight and it just looked frizzy and stupid lol. Real bummer!
ReplyDeleteI think it looks beautiful! Pin curls are easier for me when I put my hair into a pony tail first... Primarily because it's quite long.
ReplyDeletethis is gorgeous and I LOVE those curls!!
ACK, you are sofuckingbeautiful! I can't stand it. This look is totally you, spot on.
ReplyDeletei say goddamn!!!!
ReplyDeleteYour hair looks so lovely like that. The colour is HOT!
ReplyDeleteWow, those pincurls look awesome on you!
ReplyDeletePretty! Thats how my hair looks naturally..for about an hour and then it turns into a bastard mess. sigh.
ReplyDeleteYou look stunning, love the curly hair!! x
ReplyDeleteOh haiiiiiii Jessica Rabbit ;]
ReplyDeleteI'd love to see victory rolls, mostly because I dont know what they are :D
@Julissa: I suck at them but I think I've found a good cheaters method!
ReplyDelete@BeautysBadHabit: Yeah, I have about five of those, for no apparent reason. I'm gonna order some this week and do it again
@The Peach: Thanks! Its nice when you dont totally bork something up the first time, then you wanna do it again!
@Megan: See now, I wanna cut all my hair off! Why are we never happy?!
@KittenMittens: Don't even talk to me about rollers :|
@T: Ooh, I might try that if I want to wear it up :)
@icosmeticRN: Thanks doll!
@MakeupZombie: Aw, cheers luv. My little sister reads your blog btw!
@Sara: *blush*
@Blix: Thanks, I wasn't intending it but I ended up with a sort of raspberry tint. Its faded a little now but it was quite bright at the start
@Stephee: Thanks, I'm dying to do them again!
@MethadonePretty:.... Orly? My hair is just...straight, with kinks at the front, it's pretty lame.
@Jonna: Thanks hon, I think I like this better than using heated curlers
@SilhouetteScreams: Shuddup :) And you do know what victory rolls are, or you will when you see them
I love it! Very Veronica Lake! (Well, except it's not in your eyes, but who wants that anyway.)
ReplyDeletelooks AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteYou have amazing style, and are just so pin up gorgeous!! wish I could look half as good as you do! xoxox